M : info@karelverhoeven.be
T : +32 485 14 29 35
Karel Verhoeven (°1982, Ghent)
creates autonomous and applied works
including both print, digital, spatial work,
video, photography and performances.

Since his graphic design, art and mediastudies in Ghent,
the AIT in Ireland, UGent and The School Of Arts in Ghent,
he started working as a free-lance designer and visual artist,
often on a co-creativ way collaborating with cultural organisations,
designstudios, artists, designers, architects, musicians and users.

Light As Lead
2017 - 2020
silkscreen on lead, mounted on wood
Exhibted at Hausstellung, Ghent, 2020
Artists: Johan De Wilde, Tatjana Gerhard, Karel Verhoeven, Theo De Meyer, Gert De Munter, Leen Van Tichelen, Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Doorzon Architecten
Exhibited at Bank Gallery Projects, Vezelay, Fr, 2017
Artists: Marie Cloquet, Karel Verhoeven, Christophe Remacle and Didier Mutel.
Img 1 : Dust, 90 x 90 cm, 2018
Img 2 : Isola, 100 x 80 cm, printed at the Frans Masereel Centrum, 2016
Img 3: l' Espace Et Son Double , 2 x 12 x 20cm, 2019