M : info@karelverhoeven.be
T : +32 485 14 29 35

bio / cv / education / work


Karel Verhoeven (°1982, Ghent)
graphic design and visual communication
concept, print, web, spatial work,
video and photography.

Since his graphic design, art science and mediastudies in Ghent (BE) and Athlone (IRL), he started working as a designer and visual artist. Verhoeven did work in several cultural organisations and design companies. Currently Karel is working as an independant designer.

NTGent / video

video portraits
Lam Gods characters
Camera, editing, graphics
Client : NTGent

Maniak - Steven Mahieu

graphic design
print / web
poster, flyer, website
Client : 5to9 Management

Mahieustueus - Steven Mahieu

graphic design / photography
print / web
poster, flyer, website
Client : 5to9 Management

Under construction

Updates will follow soon.
Feel free to contact me,
for more information or
to talk about a project.

Thank you for your visit.

Karel Verhoeven